Sunday, May 12, 2013

Getting back into the Swing of Things with Sean Kingston supporting HERBALIFE 5/19/13

Please check out the video and see how HERBALIFE has Changed Sean Kingstons life.

Also check out my HERBALIFE website for all of your HERBALIFE needs :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Exercise Advice For The Regular Person 03/12/13

Something I was just telling my mom do was for her to try to do the plank position for one minute every day.

Benefits of doing the plank:

- Works your ABS, Obliques and lower back
- Helps with stability
- Strengthens your upper body
- Helps with posture

How to do a plank:

- Lie flat on the floor
-Get in push up position and hold it
- Tighten your ab muscles
- Your Legs can be a little farther apart if need be.

Try holding this position for at least 30 seconds and for three reps.

dont forget your HERBALIFE:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Everyday Exchanges and Tips 03/05/13

My challenge to everyone including myself is to drink a gallon of water a day! I know it seems like a lot but truly it is not difficult. It will keep you hydrated and healthy and it makes you look awesome!

Here is my water JUG I made:

Monday, February 25, 2013

Exercise Advice For The Regular Person 02/25/13

I am a multi tasker so here is a workout that works your entire upper body and abs and once again it is something you can do at home in front of the TV, while playing with the kids, or while at the gym...

Start in a plank. Walk hands together so thumbs and forefingers form a triangle. Do a complete push-up (as shown) for 1 rep. Too tough? Lower your knees. Do 12 reps.

Courtesy of

Dont forget to check out HERBALIFE

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Everyday Exchanges and Tips 2/20/13

Todays simple tip is about portion control.

I know a lot of people say this but there is a reason for it. Watching your portions and eating your meals slower really does help you cut calories and fill full quicker.

Not to mention, if you are really hungry and you scarf down your food, you will end up consuming more calories than if you had served yourself a smaller plate to begin with.

Portion control is a part of the HERBALIFE program and very important to healthy and consistent weight loss.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Exercise Advice For The Regular Person 02/19/13

Lets get some serious six pack abs.. something you can do at the gym or at home in the living room.

Weighted Ball Crunches

Lay face up on a mat or workout bench. Place a small weighted ball or 3- to 8-pound free weight between your inner thighs. Lift your feet off the ground, bringing your legs into a tabletop position. On an exhale, curl up lifting your shoulders, head and arms off the ground. Hold at the top and inhale. Exhale again and stretch your legs out in front of you at a 45-degree angle. Inhale and draw the legs back to tabletop. Repeat 10 times. Do 3 sets, staying lifted through each repetition and lowering your head and shoulders back down at the end of each set

Courtesy of Self Mag

Dont forget to maintain your HERBALIFE program by having a healthy protein snack every 2-4 hours to keep your metabolism revved. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Herbalife Before/After Pic of the Day 2/17/2013

This is for all the men who think that they cannot get results from HERBALIFE. You can do this program; man or woman it is right for you.